
Showing posts from August, 2021

Telling a Story

  Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 The story displayed is of a student walking into a pole. I came up with the idea for the story by not thinking while walking and I almost walked into a pole. I believe it is a magnificent piece. I shot the first shot full body and from the eye level of the character. The second image is taken over the shoulder and, I believe, displays the character's rapture and focus on his phone. The last image is again a full bodied shot because it was the best way to display him walking into a pole.

Project Selection Magazine

       Magazine publication seems uninteresting to me. It seems like it is a medium that is going to become irrelevant.  Many of my peers do not buy magazines and neither do I. My mom loves magazines but it will be a media source that will become obsolete.  Digital magazines are the wave of the future but will use a different format.   Creating a magazine is not something I want to do. I'm not a big fan of the blend of writing and the hyper focus of selecting pictures. I would prefer to focus more on video production. But, I will find out. I'm sure I will have more than one magazine assignment for this class.  That will be able to give me a feel for the project.

Project Selection Film

     The parts of creating a film that interest me are the story and plot building of the film. I also like to explore how the film was created and what is happening in the story. I think the plot is the most important part of the film because the entire film is built upon it. It seems interesting. How these events are conveyed are interesting as well. But the most intriguing thing is fleshing out an entire world, or city, or place seems.. I am excited to learn more about this throughout this class.

Studies Reflection

     Media Studies seems like an interesting topic. The media is a powerful tool. Media can range from educational and informative to the other end of the spectrum which is pure entertainment. I feel that I am going to enjoy this class. I am excited to learn about film and go more in depth on how it is created. Currently, I am leaning towards the film for my portfolio. This seems like the best option because it leaves more open story opportunities on what I can do.