Camera Stability Issues
Decisions on how to film each shot are difficult to make. I realized when doing my research that each type of shot can really set the mood and focus on the part of the story you want to convey. While doing my story board to prepare for the film, I discovered vast limitations on what it is possible to shoot. I was inclined to make a cool action sequence for the start of the movie with the camera speeding up and slowing down to track various objects. But there were several limitations that I had to realize before jumping in on that vision. I found a flaws in my action sequence idea for several reasons. First the camera would have to move extremely quickly and this would cause motion blur. If I had a bigger movie budget, I would try a stabilizer stick for an iPhone or a Film Rig Pro for Smartphones. It is a smaller version but the same concept of what the movie productions use for the cinema cameras. This equipment is really necess...