Que the Turtle

 Since the beginning of the movie is zoning in on the main character going on a run through Sarasota, I knew I had to break up the journey.  This will help convey time passing and focus on the environment.  I was inspired by something one of my favorite TV shows does often.  On the reality show, Survivor, they often focus on the wildlife on the island they are shooting on. They use a  jump cut to an animal nearby along with a dramatic sound effect. This is something that adds a feeling of tension to the moment. In my family, we call it “queuing the snake” because it is often a snake they film on Survivor

When I was out shooting some of the scenes, I went about taking videos of an animal that was unobstructed by foliage. I also found a couple more animals like turtles and birds that I will weave into the story. For continuity, I also took shots with animals and the main character.


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